Originally posted by dy156
I agree. They are not normal, and the ringleader probably needs professional help and the others need a backbone, but come on, they were rodents. I've killed a few in mousetraps, and am personally responsible for the death of many many animals. Just today, I washed my hair with shampoo that might have been tested on animals (rodents) I pulled money out of my leather wallet to pay for the meat that I ate, wore leather shoes and belt, and am planning to go home and attempt to kill lots and lots of fire ants and eat more meat. I bet most of you have too. Get over it.
Be realistic in your desire to punish these kids.
All good points,
dy156. Perchance, have you ever taken an ethics course?
Once you get through relativism, egoism, and other introductory material, you make your way to more contemporary moral philosophies that focus on intent. Morality, and immorality, is a product of intentions.
That's what angers me, and the other posters. We eat meat because, on some level, we have to (don't argue vegetarianism here because I see that point; I'm merely using an example you presented); we wear leather because, on some level, we need clothing. We didn't kill the cow simply because we enjoyed it, or merely wanted to - we did it with a purpose.
Therein lies the difference; as mentioned, it's a matter of intent.