This is a hot point of debate at my university. They host a whole week's worth of conferences each year revolving entirely around anti-porn topics, and every other conference that the university hosts seems to bring it up as well. They discuss the dangers of porn, how it makes men crazy and drives them towards violence.
I'm really very curious about the whole topic. I've been fed a substantial amount of information on both sides of the spectrum.
I don't have anything to do with it personally. Many of my friends actively speak out against porn, I am still assimilating information and perspectives.
The fact that Hal is webmaster for a porn site threw me for a loop when I first learned of it. It almost discounted him as a potential SO.
I don't even notice most of the time when he looks at a girl on the street, though when I do I ask him what he sees that's so nice. He's very technical about his descriptions, sterile, non-emotional so I can't complain.
I know he loves me. That's all it comes down to. Every now and again I catch myself comparing, but he loves me. That's all that really counts.