Originally posted by seretogis
I have to agree with FEL. This is not at all an obvious example of police going "too far" to stop a criminal.
For individuals with carry permits, we are not allowed to use deadly force unless we feel our lives or the lives of others are in immediate danger -- some weirdo pulling a knife and stabbing us would qualify. I don't see why police should be forced to deal less harshly with people who are threatening their lives.
No one has said that this was an obvious example of "too far." Unless you meant to say that it was obviously
not an example of "too far," I am tempted to say you didn't read my post...
As for asking why police should "deal less harshly" with criminals, I used to ask this question, myself. The answer, as it turns out, is that police officers are supposed to protect everybody,
even the criminals! That's why they work so hard to bring the criminal to trial, alive. Obviously, this is not always possible but they try damn hard!