Originally posted by Food Eater Lad
You arent missing much. Iam not too partial to Fabian either. He writes like he is a writing for bad Showtime cop dramas.
are you implying that there are good Showtime cop dramas?
.....getting back on subject,
today, hawkeye reccomends indy humor titles. (5.0 scale)
I will second Gwr's reccomendation of Boneyard, (NBM press)
it's funny, the art is consistantly great, and Richard moore actually gets his issues out on time.
next on the list is Halo and Sprocket, (Amaze Ink) This comic is the story of a girl, a robot, and an angel that takes the 'learning about humanity' cliche, and makes it funny again. the art is minimalistic, but it fits the storys well, and the writing is qute good. this is definately an all-ages title, the kind of thing that Everybody can have fun with.
Dungeon (NBM press) the story of a duck who is accidently hired as a resident barbarian at the local dungeon. The art is good, nothing stunningly good or bad, but the writing is quality.
Dogwitch (Sirrus Ent.) is a very mature readers title, with rather immature humor. Violet Grimm is a sex-witch that lives in the banewoods, home to imps, goblins, and demonic makeup salesmen. no, really. The art is good, tho a different style than most, and I still can't tell if it's a weird-adventure that's just damn funny, or a humor book that has a lot of plot, but it's worth checking out.
Last on today's list (but not least) is Girl Genius(Studio Foglio//Airship Entertainment//whatever the hell they are calling themselves this week) this really doesn't fall into the humor category. This is a Steampunk-esque story set in a very different world than ours (well, duh, it's steampunk.) the reason that I'm classing it with these others, is the simple fact that it makes me laugh out loud on many occasions. The story is solid, entertaining, and it tends to grab your attention and hold it.
I personally Love the art, but it Is rather different, cartoony, and exaggerated, if you are looking for photorealism, this ain't it. Because of his style, tho, the characters have a great depth to them, you can see reactions and attitudes very well.
if you have ever seen Phil Foglio's work before, you know what I'm talking about, and probably will see why I like this title.
I am docking it points however, because they haven't gotten the last few issues out very close to schedule.
4..6(when they come out on time again(it will happen), it will be a 4.9)