Originally posted by Ustwo
This is why I am a conservative, who likes some government controls/programs. Any society that takes greater reward out of risk taking and harder work is doomed to mediocrity, but that doesn?t mean that some things can?t be done well by the government. Grants and loans for education are good, because it encourages a higher level of effort and allows those who do not come from wealth a greater chance to get it and contribute to society. Welfare to non-working individuals is bad because it simply enforces a lack of effort. Government oversight of finances and monopolies is good because it prevents exploitation and ensures competition. Government demanding who businesses can hire and fire is bad because it allows non-productive workers remain and creates resentment.
Saying that welfare to the unemployed is encouraging people not to work, is pretty harsh. I don't know how things are in the US; but here in Norway, you don't get a very good salary on welfare. Noone will want to stay unemployed. Work is also more than a way of earning money, it is a way of being useful. Most people define themselves to a certain extent through their job, and being unemployed leave most citizens with a feeling of uselessness. Not giving anything to the unemployed seems asinine, should people starve and die if they get fired? There are hundreds of examples of people losing their job without it being their fault, should these people be left without a safety net if they are thrown into unemployment?