KY used to sell a Jelly that contained nonoxynol-9 and it included a special applicator. You could "inject" the spermicide near the cervix and then it would kind of ooze around and act as a lube.
Last time i used it was in 1999 and I haven't seen it advertised or in stores lately.
There has been scientific research that has proven that the nonoxynol-9 component can cause tissue damage that may make you more succeptible to HIV infection. Most products that contain nonoxynol-9 say not to use them more than once a day for this reason.
Now if you and your partner are known to be hiv-negative, you have very little risk. However, using a spermicide product with a partner of unknown status could very well put you at risk.
As for the wet-nap question? Nonoxynol-9 is a detergent - i'm sure it has lots of valid applications.