Thread: True Happiness.
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Old 10-28-2003, 07:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
True Happiness.

Let me start off by saying this is only my opinion, and it is to be taken lightly. Take this with nothing more then what its worth.

To be truely happy, Ive recently discovered, it's nothing more then simple acceptance. To accept what you've been given, to realize what you don't have, and that you dont need it. From a day to day standpoint, money is important. But, money cannot be something you live for. That will ruin your well being. I'm not rich, and you know what, im happy that im not. Too many people seem to relate money to happiness. What because you can buy a nice car, a nice home theatre system, a nice house, etc.. Is that what makes people happy? I think if we would all just stop the materialistic battle, and accept and love what we DO have.

What is your perception of happiness?
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