I have always been very attracted to girls. something about the level of intimacy you can share with someone the same gender is amazing...like oranges and oranges...sure apples and oranges go together in the sence they are both fruit, but only another orange really understands another orange

I love my boyfriend dearly and he is supportive of me being with other girls (a former swinger himself) but it takes a very special girl to get my intrest going. there has to be a physical attraction, but also a depth of character. someone I can converse with and not simply chat. Meeting girls is a bit of a challenge as well, because I am incredibly shy around them (go figure) and dont want to offend anyone with unwanted andvances so I tread cautiously and attemp to test the waters. More than likely it stems from the first girl I had a relationship with, who after several months decided she was no longer "bi" and refused to speak to me. If she would have just come to me and confided that she wasnt sure of her sexuality anymore instead of riverdancing on my feelings I would have beed okay with it. *end novel.