As a smoker, I have to say something in my defense.
Throwing cigarette butts on the ground pisses me off also. I will not do it if there is an ashtray in sight. However, anti-smokers are partly to blame for this. Maybe my campus is an isolated phenomenon, but people try to get smokers to quit by reducing the number of ashtrays on campus...working real well...
How bout putting one ashtray by the door instead of the two extra trash cans. Hell, I went to a theme park (Valley Fair if you're familiar with it) this summer and there was not a single ash tray in the whole place. No rules about not smoking, but no ash tray either. My question is whether we should throw burning material into a trash can. I ask you what other option do we have? (please don't say not smoking because I have made my choice and you will not change my mind)
end rant before I jack this thread into anti anti smoking thread