(First off, while this happens to be a republican group conducting the questionable behavior, I have no doubt that democrats do the same. If anyone in this thread tries to troll the thread with any mention of "those (liberals, conservatives, republicans, democrats)", I suggest you ignore them. I certainly will.)
Really interesting story here:
In summary, a shadowy group in Kentucky is calling on extra volunteers to watch the polls in primarily black areas. Their reason?
All were adversely impacted by the presence and influence of the Democratic National Committee and the A. Phillip Randolph Institute (the black militant division of the AFL-CIO and funded in part by the DNC), and the NAACP and their efforts to marshal the Get Out To Vote efforts targeted toward the black, poor voters in selected communities and selected targeted races of national impact.
The idea is to watch democratically dominated poll sites extra closely, thus excluding or intimidating people from voting.
The letter itself is here:
I know we all like to think that vote rigging is a thing of the past. I know when I hear stories about corrupt elections in some third-world country, my first thought is "i'm glad that doesn't happen here." But, as you can see here, blatant vote manipulation still goes on right here in the USA.
And that's really my statement on the story. We often thing that the USA is some shining example of a perfect democracy, but we have our own problems. On the other hand, I'm very thankful for a free press, freedom of speech, and the right of some random weblogger to find and post stuff like this without being thrown in jail.