I'm still confused with what the significance of WMD's are. The whole deal prior going to war was that Saddam Hussein had to prove that he didn't have them. Bush single handedly got the inspectors back in, Saddam Hussein had every opportunity to avoid being attacked. I think my timeline's right:
Bush single handedly got the inspectors back in, with the UN kicking and screaming the whole way. Untill Bush convinced them of the importance of making sure Iraq had no WMD.
The deal was if Saddam didn't comply fully with the weapons inspectors and "prove" to the world he didn't have weapons - we'd kick his ass out. It was said over and over - we don't have to "prove he does", it's up to him to "prove he doesn't."
Saddam was fuckin with them the entire time making no effort to cooperate - doubtfull he would have been so comfortable doing this if the UN had some balls, but Saddam knows they haven't any sort of spine.
Bush said "fuck you guys", we're goin in cause you're inspectors suck ass and your putting no pressure on Saddam. They cried for more time, Bush gave it to them, made a case for why he "believed" they had WMD, and the UN reluctantly agreed. Their are two constants here - Bush always stands firm and the UN are whining fuckin babies. Had Saddam simply done what he'd been given every opportunity to do, their wouldn't have been any question about whether or not they existed and none of this would have happened.
Now that it has - everyone who disagrees with the war throws in the disclaimer that (yeah it's probably a good thing Saddam's gone). Whether or not you agreed with the war before is irrelavant now - you'd have to be a total idiot to think the best thing for that region would be for us to pull out, but Jesus Christ did anyone here some of those idiots during that prostest yesterday yelling to "bring our sons and daughters home immediately." Ignorance at it's finest - you're hatred for Bush getting in the way of common sense and what really is at this point best for the world. AS much as I love Bush I'm tempted to vote against him just so I don't have to listen to another 4 years of the biggest fuckin bunch of crybabies yelling in my ear whining about him.