Originally posted by Sun Tzu
Along the lines of what Joey stated. I liked Reagan and for the most part still do. I attempt to come to terms with the shady things Presidents do for what they see as for the good of America. I was in the military when Clinton was in office and I hated him. Ive come to to respect him for reasons too long to go into this thread. For any that think I am; Im not a liberal (labels are getting so old. . .another civil war coming or what) I make every attempt to see both side of issues, look at things for what they are, and follow a common denominater.
BastardStepChild you sound have alot of "living experience" that I'd like to hear. Could you start an ask BastardStepChild politcal thread? I'd be interested to hear what your experience was vs some of the things Ive read and continue to read.
No! It got me in trouble before!!!
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!