Originally posted by Nizzle
All said, he strikes me as the far-left's answer to Rush Limbaugh.
This isn't ment as a defense of Rush here, but I don't think he is an anti-rush. I don't think Moore really has the persuasive powers that Limbaugh does, at least not anymore. Moore has marginalized himself, and even turned off people on his own 'side' with his methods.
Most people who hate Limbaugh never really listened to Limbaugh more then a few minutes, if at all, and as such really don't know his style. With Moore I think, most people who 'hate' or don't think he is honest HAVE seen him in action. Perhaps its just because Moore is a much smaller name then Limbaugh, that unless you have seen/read what he puts out, you don't know who he is.
And while writing this, it got me thinking. I wonder if Moore's now infamous outburst at the Oscars, only real purpose was publicity. I figured he did it because it was expected, and to get in deeper in bed with the far left but mentally challenged members of the entertainment industry. I think I was wrong, it gave him a name bigger then it was. No one really cared about Moore outside of the left-right debaters. Now EVERY news/tv show is showing this guy blathering onstage at the Oscars.
He turned himself into a household name by having a temper tantrum at the Oscars. I'll give him or his agent credit for that.