Originally posted by Plan9
I see that there arent as many replies to this as I thought there would have been, and I keep seeing posts on different threads that make me want to fucking puke at how pussy some of you guys are. I am almost thinking that I am wasting my breath and might stop giving lessons. I am truely dissapointed... but hey.. what can I expect from the average "internet crowd"?
Here is my last lesson until I feel that my words aren't being taken serious and actually read. almost 2k views and nobody posts.... bah... fuking pathetic. I take a lot of time to teach you guys this crap, at least post SOMETHING to tell me I am full of shit or that I am helping you out.
edited by rogue49 for flaming
Originally posted by yellowgowild
Thanks, Moses, for comming down from the mountain long enough to pass on your wisdom to us common internet folk without sounding too condescending.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
Last edited by rogue49; 10-30-2003 at 10:43 AM..