Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
If I understand what you're saying (ie, "once a cheat, always a cheat"), then you are talking out of your ass.
"It will happen?"
How about "It did happen, but now it's in the past?"
Let me guess. You've NEVER made a mistake in your life.

Mr Mephisto
I've always hated this kind of thinking.
Have you ever made a mistake? Of course you have but there is balance to be had here.
Surely, a man who had raped and killed a woman can't very well just say "let me guess. You've never made a mistake in your life," as a rhetorical defense? This is an exaggeration, of course, but it's often a good way to make a strong point.
accidentally slept with someone else?
Twice? No, she didn't. She did a deliberate and malicious act against her fiance because... Well, I could let my imagination go wild but the truth is I just don't know. Does it matter? I don't think so....