Originally posted by jfranco13
That's an interesting question. I want to say that it doesn't work that way, that PCI somehow shares access to the MoBo such that all the slots get 66mhz, but I can't say that I know for sure.
Certainly, if it was possible, replacing the video card with one that has lots of on-board RAM, or upgrading to an AGP card, might help clear things up.,
Often the first PCI slot and the AGP bus share their bus though not neccisarily at the same bus speed, then the next three PCI slots share a bus, and then the last PCI slot (if there is one) shares it with a legacy ISA slot.
Thus the last PCI slot on ISA boards is where you never want a fast peripheral.
Likewise, many Intel boards freak out if you make the AGP card share the AGP/ 1st PCI bus with a hardware based nic since both demand similar interupts.
Also, if you place a Vid card in Pci 0 (ie the first pci slot) the motherboard will shut off the AGP slot, thus making PCI 0 a single slot with an independant bus since it needs to make up for the slower bus speed of PCI compared to the AGP.
Since bus speeds are controlled by the chipset, you can have the AGP and PCI 0 share a bus but use different speeds since the chipset will utilize the programed bus speed of the in use peripheral as needed. You just have to make sure that you don't use similar interupts in each bus.
Therfore, keep your NIC or modem one bus away from your Video card and let the system assign resources if your making anything less than a server grade machine where all variables must be controlled exactly.
Hope this helps a little