Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I wouldn't be so sure of that assesment Sun Tzu. Look at Saudi Arabia where you have the Wahabi's (most of the Islamic world can be used for this example). You have a theocracy running the show. They keep their people oppressed and stupid. In the land were the religion is king, and the religion is run by the government you have big problems. Going to the mosque is mandatory, and what they teach in the mosque's is hate. The state appointed clerics tell the masses that the woes of the Islamic world is the Great Satan (thats America if you didn't know). They preach death to those who won't convert, and that is everyone even other Muslims of different sects. Osama Bin Laden is a Wahhabi, 15 of the 19 hijackers from 9-11 were Wahhabi's. But it's not limited to the Wahhabi's. The whole religion of Islam, which I whole heartadly believe is evil, hates America and as a whole promotes hate. The Taliban is popular in Islam, Hamas is popular in Islam, Wahhabism is growing in the Islamic world (its the main school in England, and it has schools all around the world), the Iranian theocracy is Islam and as I write this they are pushing for the same thing in Iraq. What it comes down to is that the HATEFUL religion of Islam abuses its masses to retain its power, it tells people that America is the problem along with the Jews and the only way to get rid of us is Jihad.
Long story short thats one of the big reasons this war was waged and why it was necessary. Islam is a growing threat to American security, a stable Iraq fucks with those who would destroy us.
This is utter nonsense on so many levels I don't know where to begin. I think you're just trolling. I urge the other contributors to this thread not to feed the troll and stick to the point at hand -- that the administration lied to us, and that is not okay under any circumstances.