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Old 10-26-2003, 09:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
My first experiments...

These are some of the pics I have on my website (The Dragon), they're over a year old.. things I was doin when I was down south.

I had alot of belief in dragons and mythology.. to a point of being abit loopy.. but yeah it's toned down now. This is something my girl got me.

Magic too...

A friend of mine used to call me the Lil Dragon so I made a signature pic up

Another signature pic...

Some early Max work... These were before I had a clue.. lol

A marble with a laser.. that never actually worked out for me.. lol. I'll give it redo later as now I can actually properly dabble with max

My first and only sword I have done... I'll make another one one day

So.. I stuck it in a rock with my almighty strength.. of mouse..

I then tried to make it glow.. but that never worked so I put lots of lighting around it to make it 'look' like it was glowing.. lol!

I've done some tutorials since then so the only real thing I've done since then are the wings I did for Lurkettes pics.. which I reckon turnd out quite well.. better than what the first ones look like

Comments and whatever
Thanks all
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  

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