This is a pretty damning analysis of some questionable editing techniques Moore employed in the making of this film. It gets even more interesting when you read
his response to the criticisms, which not only fail to defend the specific allegations, but resort to ad hominem attacks on his accusors -- exactly what he claims is being done to him. Not very convincing.
While Moore echos some sentiments I myself hold, he has a lot of explaining to do about this movie. When I watched it, it entertained me -- but my instincts told me it was being less than fair to its subject matter. This author's analysis reveals a level of intentional deception on Moore's part that disturbs me. Even more so because, in this very movie, he accuses the media of doing exactly what he himself is demonstrably guilty of -- distorting reality for the sake of promoting his agenda. And making lots of money.
I don't think all his points are invalid. But I don't want to be tricked into believing something, either.
All said, he strikes me as the far-left's answer to Rush Limbaugh. I think he should stick to presenting his work as entertainment and not truth. He's very good at what he does, but I do not want him representing my beliefs if he's going to present his material in this fashion.