Originally posted by Food Eater Lad
And that is why Norway is a second rate nation with no real contribution to the world theater. When you need a hand though, feel free to call on the US, we will most likely help you out. Its what we do.
Again, it's amazing how some people see things. You do realize that most people love thier country and
don't want to be anything like the US? I know I'd rather live in a country that was liked and respected rather than on that was feared and loathed.
When you need a hand though, feel free to call on the US, we will most likely help you out. Its what we do.
Not unless it's full of conditions, but I can accept that.
I am sure we were hated right after we bombed Japan but I dont think the world hates us anymore for that. 20 years down the road when Iraqis are watching HBO, getting fatter and enjoying a stable nation, terrorsits will have much fuel for their fire.
I'm not sure how you managed to link that, but I don't see any similarities at all

You really think Iraq is going to look like this in 20 years? Hardly a lofty goal. Give me a break dude.