World's King:
I'm sorry a bunch of dicks popped up and used this thread to go on about bashing Limp Bizkit when that wasn't your question. If you ask me, I think they're all trying to turn Bizkit-bashing into a trend. People try really hard to be alternative, you know. It's depressing.
I like LB, I have since 3DB. It sucks they lost Wes, but I bought the album anyway because I liked "Eat You Alive." The song with Snoop isn't bad, but the rest of it...I don't know. It's like they decided to focus on Fred's voice instead of the music. Which I thought would be ok, because I really liked "boiler" from Chocolate Starfish. But like I said, I'm undecided on the rest. Do you think this is their last? (Watch out for the onslaught of "YES BECAUSE THEY SUCK I HATE THEM FRED SUCKS WAAAH" posts after this...)