It's kind of funny, but i could see why places would be a bit suspicious about things after 9/11
as for the guy, he sounds like an idiot.
He had to point out that they weren't being aggressive, but he got a real grilling.
And him saying, 'they got whatever off of the god, because they let me have him back'. What the fuck does that mean? Why would you even put that in a news article? It makes no sense!!!
Anyway, i think this is funny, but also the news making it out to be bigger than it is, again.
Stupid news!!!
Fuck, i am drunk. I shouldn't post when i am drunk
tehy got whatever off the god... hehe
i also missed an 'is' in there. Can you find out where?
Last edited by taog; 10-26-2003 at 12:06 AM..