Another damned if you do, damned if you dont senario. What is wrong with asking others to foot some of the bill for the peace and prosperity they are going to benifit from once the US did all the hard work? If it were up to Canada, France and Germany, Iraqis would still be getting killed enmass, Saddam would still be playing tricks with the world and sooner or latter a war would have happened, but on HIS terms.
The US asked for help, you turned your back, we went in. Now we ask you to chip in, and you do, once the scary part was over. I think it was rather logical, and good economic sense to ask for the nations that will benifit from this to help pay the cost. Snicker all you want, the fact is the world sold out the Iraqi people, I am snickering at the cowards in Europe that would rather say" i was right" rather than " I helped".