The thing I find most disturbing about the 'thread that will not be named' that started this discussion is that the posts deemed inflammatory were removed without comment. I would prefer to see edits. If an entire post is going to get chucked, I would prefer to see an empty space with a name and an avatar and a comment from a mod. That way my addled brain won't see jumps in a discussion and have to put together the pieces.
I also think that the original comment from darkblack
Originally posted by Darkblack
You people out there that have to post crap like “This is a fake!”<snip>
is offensive.
Why is it always about YOU people? How about a little self-responsible commentary from the oh-so-holy that never say bad things?
What is instructive for me is to look at how my reaction to things says more about ME than it does about YOU. I am YOU people.