This is simple to see. billege is trying his hardest to feel victimized in order to backup his point. Sorry dude. I'm still not seeing much validity.
You're still working in theory with your accusations, and you're not providing solid examples.
To everyone,
So I guess we should set some ground rules for you all right here and now.
The TFP is not *yours*
The TFP is *ours*
I'm the commander in chief.
The rules enforced on the TFP will be for the intended comfort of the general public with respect to MY goal of creating a community where everyone can feel free to share their life.
The moderators will be held in check by ME, so if you have any complaints about them, you must speak with me exclusively or else you'll never be truly heard.
Since so much revolves around me, your loyalty to the TFP then depends on your trust for me. If you do not trust my judgement (which I can only try to assure you is as objective as possible at all times) then the least you can do is make a quiet exit.
Now, after all that, if you fail to see the reasoning behind my request for (generally) MORAL LEADERSHIP, which was exactly what my original post called for, then you, my friends, are not trying to understand ME. You are being selfish. You are not as concerned as I am for the direction that this board is going in. Pay more attention.
If you're worried this will turn into an impotent Orwellian universe of drones, you've gotta up your dose of Prozac.
That is all.