Originally posted by costello
there's a difference? :P
box car and blink sound nothing aliek with the excepton of the song "and I" that sounds leika blink song, however only during the chorus and the bridge... if you really sit back and analyze boxcar racer you will see major differences. the tempos are way slower, travis experiments wiht his beats more and actually grooves, some songs are simply a looped drum beat instead of a continuous punk beat with crazy fiils... and tom's subject matter is alot more serious they speak of the end of the world, rampant depression, suicide, and other things of that nature, and boxcar sings about actual love... blink on the other hand has had only 2 serious songs, the rest are about masterbation, your parents pissing you off, and your girl friend breaking up wiht you... and the plain and simple fact that boxcar is a harder band... listen tyo the single i feel so its alot hard than" stay together for the kids whihc is blinks hardest song... so they are actually very different