I've been lingering around her long enough and figured his topic was as good as any to make a start in.
Ok I've only been of age(18) for a few months now and over the past 18 years I have had only one experience worth mentioning: last year (my final year of high school) I missed an test and had to 'reschedule' it. Two days later I sat the test in a quite little room in the school, a fairly trustworthy kid the female teacher left me to my own devices while she taught a class not far away.
I breezed through the exam and realizing I had about 10 minutes to spare before the teacher came in my eyes began wandering around the room looking for entertainment.
Jackpot!!! A box of tissues... my typically male brain (penis) demanded some attention so I unzipped my fly and soon got to work under the desk. Sure enough the teacher strides in 6 or so minutes earlly... right on que as I ejaculate.
Oh shit!!! This was one of my regular teachers (in early to mid 30, curvy, blonde hair and a near perfect tan) who I had a bit of a crush on for some time. Nearly 12 months later I'm still not sure what she said (my mind spinning like never thought possible), however she walked over and seemingly in the blink of an eye had removed the tissue and began giving me a bj.
Not content with blowing my mind

she then removed her panties (wearing a skirt) and 'climbed on', riding me.
I got the results back from the test next day in her class, A+ (With an interesting sketch and some interesting additions to the regular essay appraisal!)
Seems to good to be true, like something out of a porno, however I still have that test here!