hehe, my friends and i joked one time that Rap evolved as such:
at the turn of the century, African Americans created Ragtime, which evolved into Jazz, both of which are wonderful kinds of music. The white folks promptly stole it for themselves.
So, they created Blues a bit later, in the 20's or so, and that eventually transitioned with country into rock, and was again promptly stolen by the white folks.
Now annoyed, the african americans created hip hop, fully acknowledging that it would again, be stolen by the white folks, and it was created with the sole intent of being so ridiculously stupid, that they could laugh at all the white folks who actually stole it or latched on to it.
and that's where they are now, rich, and secretly laughing at us.
No harm intended, i can appreciate some rap as artistry and music, but not all of it.