i am so glad to see GD getting rid of all the fucking 'how often do you poop?' or twenty thousand other stupid or silly threads here. it got to the point where i only visited GD every once in awhile a few weeks ago.
some things i think some people need to remember and i do not recall being brought up yet (if it was, i apologize):
actually the first thing has been said. there are a lot of people with full time jobs, proffesional students, owners of businessess, hell Art works around the clock!, and some of the modds/admins are married, too.
they go way the fuck out of their way to make most of us happy. they would pacify all of us if possible.
don't get me wrong; i'm not saying they are saints by any means. they fuck up like i and you do. i rarely agree with Halx on boards but we respect each others' opinions and we have a place where we can do just that: discuss with tolerable people.
if the guys who bust their ass everyday to do you a service for free and you want to have serious complaints.. pathetic.
i am always raising issues i see as wrong, but i do know that hey I am a guest in a house made for me. i can show them a mistake and they may fix it. if not, it is their place first and i think if we ever start to hate an admin or what not to such a severe degree i suggest you walk away.
nobody with a tiny shred of respect can make serious complaints against people who baby them unless you saw something downright evil happen. even after that you have to remember.... this service is hard and costly to provide. they do it for free. how much more ass kissing do you expect?
TFP has given me an emotional roller coaster ride to the highest degree. i fucking love it right now.
second: TFP is no longer, if it ever was (ahemyeahright) a site for porn. sure, you can get it, but TFP is now a huge unclosed circle of both friends and enemies who work together to offer a place for us outcasts or debators or what not to go, relax, have fun and maybe debate.
porn? sure. personally i rather have people with manners and brains.