I'm an atheist and a Republican, BFD, I base my voting off more then one issue. The fact that Astro thinks the republican party despises homosexuals shows he knows very little about republicans. There are republicans who despise homosexuals, but that does not mean all republicans do.
Unions are big with the democratic party right? Do you think the average dock worker is any less homophobic then some bible belt republican?
I would say that any reasonable person could read those statements and conclude that the republican party despises homosexuality.
Any reasonable person would read those statements and assume the republican party in Texas despises homosexuals. Since there are republican reps who are gay (Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe) obviously not all republicans despise gays.
Oh and here is what someone who obviously despises gays thinks about GWB:
He noted the following as evidence that the GOP had adopted a deliberate policy of embracing the gay agenda.
• In 2000 Candidate Bush tried to rid the GOP platform of planks against homosexual marriage, homosexuals in the military, and civil rights protection for homosexuals.
• President Bush kept in place a 1998 Clinton executive order prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in the Federal workforce and had the military stop expelling homosexuals after the war on terror began.
• The GOP Congress, with White House support, passed legislation extending family health benefits to Washington, D.C. employee’s "partners" and also to grant adoption rights to D.C. homosexual couples.
• President Bush appointed openly homosexual Scott Evertz to head the Office of National AIDS Policy.
• President Bush appointed openly homosexual Michael Guest to be Ambassador to Romania. At Ambassador Guest’s swearing-in ceremony Secretary of State Colin Powell formally recognized Powell’s "partner". Tax dollars now pay for travel and housing of all homosexual "partners" of American diplomats.
• There has been an increase in the funding of homosexual propaganda campaigns in the guise of tolerance and health education programs.
• President Bush nominated AIDS-stricken Christian activist Jerry Thacker to the Presidential Advisory Commission on HIV and AIDS. Mr. Thacker and his daughter got AIDS from his wife who got it from a blood transfusion. On hearing that Mr. Thacker had referred to AIDS as a "gay plague" the White House chastised him for his views and Mr. Thacker withdrew his name from consideration.
Clymer added that "the record of the Republican elites’ sympathy for the radical homosexual agenda is too long and consistent to be anything but intentional and systematic."
"Conservatives of conscience can no longer empower that elite," Clymer said, "Instead of staying home on Election Day they can support the Constitution Party and its 100% pro-life, pro-family, pro-sovereignty, pro-second amendment philosophy."
Yes its obvious the GOP despises gays.
[Edited: Decided not to get a warning on this one