Originally posted by glasscutter43
I find it amazing that a Stupid Useless Vehicle that costs thousands of dollars and is capable of climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro can only mount a speedbump at 1 MPH.
I can't wait until it snows. Those stupid useless vehicles look so cute laying in the highway median on their roofs.
Despite some ideas such as that...I own an SUV, which I did by used. I'm a poor guy so I'm driving a 92 explorer in Minnesota. I realize that you can't speed your ass through places in snowy weather. Also, I do have real world off road applications I've used before as well. Secondly, I'm what I feel a coservative driver and that is what it really comes down too. If you drive like an asshole in an SUV or a compact, its all the same....trouble.
Also, I can mount a speedbump pretty damn fast