Well, I was all ready to take her to the Air Force hospital. But, as I stated before, anything other than the missionary position is against the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) so we would both have been in trouble. When you join the military, you actually lose a lot of rights under the constitution. Yes, the military regulates your bedroom. Although the situation was consentual, and heterosexual, we both would have faced UCMJ punishment. If, while being questioned under oath, a military man or woman declared that they gave or received oral sex, that person could be court martialed. Long live the likes of John Ashcroft. Who said that Nazi Germany was dead? Hell, we have Ashcroft, Bush, etc. We have a new bread of fascists. Sorry, son, you are only 19. "Hey, thanks for enlisting with the US military. You are ok to die for our cause. Just don't drink any beer or suck any dick, or eat any pussy, etc..."
I like stuff.