I was refering to Norway as a country which at least used to have a relatively fair society, with full freedom for all (We are NOT communists, we are, or used to be, a social democracy. There is a difference.) I think the government can take good care of many services. I also note that every sector which have been privatized in this country, have fucked up. Energy got expensive and unreliable, the railway became a joke, telephone companies ripping people off etc etc. It's simple facts. Norway certainly haven't blossomed from the privatization. and I do belive that a greater govermental impact might create a better society for all.
Individuals are nice, but we have a society we wish to protect too. Individual freedom doesen't go away even though your governent provide you with healthcare, education, power and other neccecities. I won't endorse individual freedom at everyone elses expense. There are losers in every society, in fact, most of us will not be on top. Why should the freedom of the little percentage of big fish go before that of the vast majority? Call me a socialist if you wish ( am a reformist social democrat), I bear it with pride. I want a fair and equal society, not a country for ego-trips with money..