Originally posted by Astrocloud
Awesome dude, because out here there ARE places where you get a tax break and the city doesn't take care of the roads. In those places -the roads are a complete mess. Perhaps the "far from efficient" government paving roads is a wee bit better than expecting the citizens to do it themselves.
I live on an unpaved road right now. No city maintenance it's up to the homeowners to do it all.
So it's the Bush tax cut that keeps those roads from being paved and maintained? I think not. If government was more efficient in their spending on the roads in the rest of your state they could pave and maintain the other roads without increased taxes.
A prime example of government's inability to manage the roads is how long it has/will take to spend the money associated with TEA-21. As the government delays spending the roads worsen which ends up boosting repair costs exponentially.