Yeah I live in PA too, and I went over the 6 points and had to retake the written potion of my test again to lose so many points to be legal again. But me being the genius that I was when I was younger I went out and got another speeding ticket which bumped me back up to 9 points and since I just took the test they told me that I would just stay at 9 points and would have to wait for each year to pass to lose 3 points per year. If I would have received one more ticket during those 4 years, 3 off each year and one entire year at zero to be clean again, I would've lost my license for 6 months no questions asked.
So needless to say I watched my speed for four years, I ended up getting 7 tickets in 2 years and haven't had one now for five (**knock wood**)!! Anyway that is my little story, but I do think 6 is the magic number before something happens to you!!