If you look at the facts that are there, we can never tell what came before the big bang, and or before last contraction of the universe, or before...
since there is nothing at that point, no time to be measured and no space to measure it in.
So no, I'm not saying the Bible is closer to the truth than science. I'm saying they are both opinions that can't be proven when it comes to the point of creation. Science limits itself to the moment right after that.
And if you know of explanations that tell of what was there before the big bang or what was there when the very first expansion of the universe happened in science, I'd like to hear it. (not being sarcastic, I honestly haven't heard one so far)
I believe Hawking himself said if there was a contracting and expanding universe, there was no telling where, why and how it all started.
And yes, if we don't have anything to validate our opinions with, it's just empty discussion. Like the Byzantian Bickering about the sex of angels, it can only help you to work on your skills in discussion, but that's all.
I think lately what we are seeing is that most people now put just as much blind faith in the lab-assistent, physics professor and doctor. When one of those says something, it *must* be true.
How about using that same science of theirs, and verifying it once or twice. If only so you understand it yourself?
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