.... yo.
lemme try to clear up what I started. DB sent me a pm and he had some points. i felt kind of like i did jump the gun a bit. so i will explain what i meant; and i still stand with the overall message.
and, yes, i hate seeing good threads pissed on. maybe if you can see my stance why i said what i did.
this is from memory. correct me and i'll be cool with it. i am far from perfect.
most of DBs posts rub me raw. i don't wanna lie by saying a couple bug me or he is this and that. 100% honesty says simply he is a good guy but his opinions often bug me shit crazy. that is not neccesarily a bad thing.
what i was, and am, referring to is what i always percieved as if any white male or female disagreed with some topics db cried racism. maybe i am wrong. seems like i remember someone say tha they perfer white women and db saying that is racist.
that fucking pissess me off. know why?
i am sooooo anti racist! the below goes to not one individual but everyone who believes snobbish ethics period.
i have made a good friend in r/l who is black. one of many. we get along greatly. she is awesome. i'm not attracted. i rarely see black women who turn me on. if my hormones don't move and the blood doesn't rush and that makes me a racist then fuck whoever called me so.
i live in mississippi. i am surrounded by dipshit dumbfuck racist all of the time including some relatives. i rarely get along because i am a 'nigger lover'. then i get the dumbfucks black racists pigs also who hate me because i am white. well, fuck you too fuckwit. i have lived the one most tolerant of race and sexual preference life i know of. if my penis doesn't go hard because i am not turnedon..... fuck that. it's lame.
i have seen people debate affirmative (sp) action being Good and any white anything being Bad. i have seen 20 year old black kids moan and groan about slavery. i cannot even try to comphrehend such an evil. but i didn't do any of it. not any. i am not going to watch someone fuck me over because of color due to something some other asshole did years ago.
if i fuck someone over, then chastise me and punish me. but until then we are people. we are equal, or should be, and people taking advantage of their color to get jobs that others who are actually qualified cannot get is no less evil than the slave traders.
in other words. i hate or love everyone equally. you aren't white or black or gay or straight, you're a human i will respect and i expect to get the respect also. i am not above anybody and nobody is sure as fuck above me. i do not play the 'bow the head once because, hey, bad shit happened'. sorry, but i pay for my own crimes. fuck anyone who wants me to pay for others.
yes. this sums of my feelings on race. i love or hate everyone of you, nothing more and nothing less. but if i treat someone justly then i demand the same just like any other person on earth.
Last edited by WhoaitsZ; 10-22-2003 at 08:29 PM..