thank god! i read the title and thought 'of fuck, here we go again' due to Pitbull = good or evil debates.
i've never owned one that got big. the only pit i ever had got struck by lightning. way weird. i do, however, own a great dane/boxer who weighs roughly 120-130 lbs.
he is a sweetheart... who will rip your throat out if you hurt me
i have never heard of a pit as a hunting dog. i really dunno what to say... although i really think the whole kill associating with a pit may be unwise?
either way, you're wanting a gorgeous and powerful dog.
good pick. couple of tips..
1) you are already on the right track.
know your breeder. drill him/her with questions about the dogs, training, past, ect.
never get a dog with violent ancestors. the main rule of thumb with big dogs is go back three generations. if grandpa was a fighter, the pup has high risk of being aggressive.
2) play! play a lot with the puppy and start as early as possible.
do not use tug-a-war toys. a lot of people say 'whatever' and they have some pull games. the thing is, sure, a wrestling type game may not cause problems. buuuut if it does, that's one hell of a big problem.
i've always played with Jeb, but no serious rough or tugging. we have never had one power problem.
3) socialize early. get your family, your neighbors, your girlfriend. whoever will come should play with/pet ASAP. dogs are soooooo protective that they seriously need socializing quick.
Jeb was eight or so months when i got him so i introduce everyone to him first. the few people who don't meet him first get some unpleasant growls and threats.
4) training. daily. everyday! period. if you don't have 15 mins for basic 'sit' and 'stay' commands, you do
not need a dog.
these commands are absolutely priceless.
also check out for insurance. it pays off well.
jeb ate a shag rug
he had a $1,200 surgery! I paid $50
insurance is as low as $6-20 a month. i pay $9.95 and i highly, highly recommend it.
good luck and keep us informed!