You need:
* Fishing line
* Bungee cord (more than the line)
* Krazy Glue
* Party hat/blower.
First, get up on a tall building with all this stuff. Loop the line around our neck and make sure it's secure on the top of the building and around your neck. Loop the bungee cord around your ankles in the same way. Glue the party hat to your head and the blower into your mouth (this is the tricky part). Finally, glue both hands to the sides of your head. Jump!
What Happens: Before the bungee runs out, the fishing line pulls taut, slicing off your head. You end up hanging from the side of a building, carryng your head in your hands with a party hat on and best of all, dead. With careful measuring you can get it to end outside a specific window, which would be cool.