I used to use the ATI AIW 7000 and I found the best software for it was the one that came with it. If you are looking to edit after the fact then Ulead is definatly the way to go. I use DVD Picture Show by Ulead and love it. Its easy to learn and they haev step by step videos to guide you though creating DVD's , VCD's , SVCD's etc. Also supports making a Photo Album that you can burn to a DVD or SVCD that plays in your DVD player. 2 Thumbs up to that program!
I have a question about the TV wonder. Does anyone know how it compares to the All In Wonder for quality and speed? I refuse to keep buying the AIW because I am a gamer and I upgrade video cards 3-4 times a year and AIW's get way too pricy. I want a video capture card that I can use (PCI) along side my AGP card so I only need to upgrade the video card and not the video capture parts. I heard some of thse PCI cards were a bit laggy in full screen mode?? Anyone have any experience with it?