Censorship and Walmart
Is Walmart a barometer of what Americans find socially acceptable?
Or, Is Walmart the designated unofficial censor and enforcer of morals in the US?
Walmart, because of its immense buying (bargaining?) power and its huge customer base is able to to things on a daily basis that would make most people in the US revolt if it were an action taken by government. Walmart can and does dictate what you read, listen to, and use for entertainment. Not only do they control what you have access to but to a point, control the destiny of writers, entertainers, video and movie makers, and video game manufacturers.
Nothing can be done about the control Walmart has over us other than choosing someplace else to purchase these products. The only problem with this logic is, will these products still be available when they are locked out of where most of America does most of its shopping?
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!