I have mixed feelings..
Dogs are more loyal and appreciative of their owners.
Cats are generally solitary beings that aren't going to be as loyal as a dog from my experiences.
I still consider myself a cat person though. I love animals, so I don't really see the need to put one above the other, but in terms of which pet I would rather own at this stage in my life, I would have to say a cat.
They are less maintenance and if I get one that is friendly, they can provide companionship. I love dogs also, but right now for me to get a dog, I fear it wouldn't get enough attention and taken care of enough to result in it having an enjoyable life with me.
When I am older, and settled down, I definitely would like to get a small dog, but right now a cat is just a better pet for me to have.
They both are great though. I like animals a lot, and think they make for great companions.
One funny note regarding cats.. We have two now, both used to be strays before we took them in. I picture them living a rough life in the alley, eating whatever they could scrounge up.. Now, years after being taken in by my family, they only eat a certain brand of cat food, and even then, only will eat certain flavors of that particular brand. It's quite humorous to note how spoiled they have become so fast.
"Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that." -Stewie