Originally posted by seretogis
Although it is hardly the same thing, yes, a police officer should be able to go to KKK meetings when he is off duty as long as he is able to perform his job well and impartially.
I disagree. How can a man with the job to uphold the law hold such extreme views? Are you telling me a man that thinks someone is less than human because of the color of his or her skin would be able to be a middleman in a dispute between a white and black man?
Originally posted by seretogis
You should try reading the entire post -- that is not what he meant at all. He was slamming the Jews that run Disney because they were profiting from what he considers filth, not because they were Jewish. It's a pretty far-fetched claim to suggest that he is a racist/anti-Semite rather than just a moral-idealist.
Does that make it right for Jewish executives to worship money above all else, by promoting for profit the adulation of violence? Recent European history alone ought to cause Jewish executives to experience second thoughts about glorifying the killing of the helpless as a fun lifestyle choice.
If it wasn't racist or anti-Semite it would not say Jews or Jewish. Because their religion and race have nothing to do with the way they promote movies. So I will disagree with you.