Karma? I'll give you some karma.
My wife and I partied alot when we met and neither one of us wanted a relationship (we were both recently single) so we just fell in together and fucked like bunnies. This was all good in itself, but my ex gf had a boy that I raised until he was 9 months old, when I found out he wasn't mine. (Another story) So I would still go see the ex and her boy from time to time. To make a long story short, the ex threw herself at me one day, and being high and stupid, I gave in. I felt so bad that I instantly cut off contact from them both. I still miss the little guy.

So at first I don't tell my now-wife because we are just having fun and I don't expect this to be long-term. Why trouble her, right? but we grow closer and stay together. At that point I don't want to bring up old news and ruin a good thing. After 2 years we are engaged and a baby is on the way. My failure to tell her about the fling with my ex before I proposed is where I planted seeds for karmic retribution. She suspects the fling, but since she's pregnant and we are reading about formation in the womb and the chemical state of the mother, I blatantly lie in a misguided attempt at damage control. Damage control- how foolish. As if I control karma and life events. What a fool am I!
So I decide to tell her when our son is almost 2 and she has stopped asking about it. I just blurted it out as if it were already known..And she spirals into depression, gets into heroin with a mutual pothead friend, and sleeps with him for the next 8 months or so. I have a good idea things aren't right and eventually tell her I'm moving out. I ask her if she wants to clear her conscience before we part, and she spills the beans. She also promises to clean up and get back on track with our son. So I stay and all goes relatively well for 2 more years. At this point I figure we are even, but my wife and karma were not done with me yet.
She goes to a party (her habits slipped over time but I'm not her dad, right) with another mutual friend. (A woman this time.) I have to call around at 6 AM to find her or get her home. By this point I'm late for work and worried to say the least. She calls back from God knows where at 6:30 to say she's on her way. They arrive to watch the kids. (The woman's daughter was sleeping over so I could watch them while the mom's go out.) I'm feeling pretty bad, so I ask my wife if she kept her pants on. She says "Oh yeah" and I go to work. When I get home I'm cold. I can feel something's not right. After two uncomfortable days she tells me they were going at it while I was at work and the kids were in the other room. Then two more days pass and she "remembers" that she went 'round the party making out with people too. So that was more than enough in my mind and although I respect her "honesty" we decide to separate. The problem is we are dirt-ass poor and have a child. I can't bear the thought of him not having constant access to both of us, together. So we end up "separated" in the same apartment. She goes to intensive "NewStart" AODA treatment and is sober for months. Once again I consent to messing around out of desire, and now it's been months and we are still together. We suspect our son was sexually abused, so counseling becomes a part of our lives and marriage counseling begins concurrently. Now things are going well, but last weekend she went out and got seriously drunk. She gets in at 3 AM and tells me her ride ("I couldn't get the car door open, so I got a ride.") asked her for a pity-fuck. Damn! Here I am again, although she apparently didn't sleep with him. So we have had a good week since, and she has no plans to drink again.
But trust has become a foolish notion to me. I can't undo my experience and everyday I live with the fact that my wife may or may not be fooling around. This does not make fidelity easy for me either. I have been loyal to her for 8 years, and let me tell you it's HARD to stay that way given the damage our relationship has sustained. I've had enough bad karma for the rest of my whole damn life. Others here have worse stories, but they apparently didn't bring it on themselves to the extent that I have. There may be errors, but I'm not proof-reading this again. I can't.