Feel good posts?
Rather than highjack a certain feel good post on this board I decided to make my own post in order to address something that I found disturbing.
You people out there that have to post crap like “This is a fake!”, “Is anybody else sick of these smaltzy sickening fake emails yet?”, etc. Why post it? If you don't like it why comment at all? Are your intentions really to hurt someone’s feelings?
I think all the negative posters need to step back and take a look at the point they are trying to make and make a new post about it. Posting it here only makes you look like an insensitive troll looking to hurt someone for no reason.
When someone posts something from their heart or gives you a glimpse into their lives, why on earth would you want to stop that positive momentum with your negative drivel?
I am going to stop at that before I babble on.