Jesus, I've been way too mean to trick-or-treaters to have a story that makes me feel good when telling it...
Perhaps the best Halloween I've had in recent memory was when my best friend and I switched our trademark clothes -- I always, always wore a black Tool tee with the smokebox on the back (I had 12 of those shirts at one point), and he always, always wore a Deftones tee of assorted color and design with a N.E. Patriots hat -- and went trick-or-treating only at the gas stations in our three-town haunting area. That was pretty sweet.
Last year, my best friend here at school and I dressed up as Rastafarians, which was a blast.
This year, he's promised me to finally follow through on one of his $10 bets: he's gonna dress up in shiny leather pants, don an Afro wig, and wear a shiny, open-chested shirt, walk into the cafeteria carrying an '80s style boombox, turn it on, then dance and lipsync to "Are You Gonna Go My Way" by Lenny Kravitz.
(geesh, that was a long sentence)
I'll let you know how that goes...
*edit* yay grammar!