Back when I was in highschool, I think i was 15. I was getting to the point where I thought I was too old to trick or treat, but I liked the whole spooky/ scary thing about Halloween. So with my dads help...... I rigged up a scheme to scare the kids that came to our door. I dressed up in a Werewolf costume and hid up on our roof. As the kids walked up I would be bumping and banging up there , making sure that atleast one of the kids caught a glimps of something on the roof... My dad would tell the kids that there has been somesort of creature roaming around lately to really get them going.... well, when they got ready to leave I would jump into view roaring and stuff. This was usually enough to get the real young kids running and screaming away. But, the older ones need a bit more convincing.... thats when I would run to the back off the roof and jump off... when they saw me jump off a 20 foot high roof that was enough to convince them that I was really a monster. Oh, I am sure if they would have saw the trampoline with the 2 mattresses on it that I landed on they wouldn't have been so scared..... but when I came hauling ass around that corner of the house growling and howling. they all ran for the hills!!!!!! It was the best Halloween I ever had!!!!
Its good to be back.