"Since President Bush recently banned the press from showing..."
Do what? I think he just quit talking to the usuals and spent a little time outside of the regular mainstream reporters and talked with others who normally don't get into the pressroom. Last time I checked he didn't have the power to ban anything from the press - although lots of us probably would agree that the way some items are reported and others aren't might be reason to ban some news outlets from receiving materiasl from his office.
Granted, we are losing people on a daily basis in Iraq - but we are also rebuilding a nation that had deteriorated down to almost nothing - I'd really like to see a comparison of the number of post war military deaths in Iraq compared to those that occured in Europe and Japan after the ending of WW II. I don't think we are losing anywhere close to the numbers that we lost post war in Germany etc. The loss of one is one too many but there are going to be losses until we put an end to what is currently going on in Iraq. They aren't going quietly into the night.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!
Last edited by Liquor Dealer; 10-22-2003 at 07:10 AM..