I voted for Syria which, along with Iran, are the only two serious targets on the list.
Saudi Arabia will not be invaded, in my opinion - our interests are too intertwined with the Saudis. Frankly, it is unlikely a president of either party will have the political will to call the Saudis to task for anything signifigant in the foreseeable future. Keep in mind we went to war partly for the Saudi's sake only a decade ago.
North Korea is a danger, of course, but one which we can only combat through deterrance. We simply do not have the man power, short of a draft, to mount an invasion of N. Korea. The N. Koreans know this, which is why their talk of a "non-agression" pact with the US is a screen for renewed economic aid in excahange for nuclear 'concessions'. Two thirds of our active forces and about two fifths of our reserves are currently tied up elsewhere, and not just in Iraq.
France - very funny. Hypothetically, however, if we were to attempt an invasion of France, I think you'd see at least the EU nations and others ally against us, wreaking a terrible toll on our economy through sanctions if not through military alliance.
The other two are possibilites only if we can draw down troop levels to a degree in Iraq where the army can reobtain a semblance of flexibility - unlikely for at least a year. Politically, also, further war would mean the Bush admin jumping the shark, IMO, and the public turning more heavily against Bush, which is probably known the the admin.
The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.
-- Albert Schweitzer