Originally posted by MahlerIsGod
ITunes has now been removed from my computer and can kiss my ass.
Smart move. After 20 minutes I realized iTunes was the most bloated piece of shit player ever, and it can't even compare to the functionality of MusicMatch 7.2.
I don't Understand why people would use iTunes to get music when all your audio equipment can easily handle MP3's? It just seems like a big waste to me. Obviously an ACC yo MP3 converter will be made soon, but then what's the point of iTunes overpriced music store if you don't want your music in ACC format? Again.. What a fucking waste.
And, why the fuck would anyone buy a song for 99 cents? If there's 21 songs on an album and you want the entire album that fucker is gonna cost you $21!! You can buy it in the store cheaper than that... Or better yet download it for free! Sheesh. Don't people know how to get music for free anymore?